Does Lowes Sell Firewood?

Firewood is a product used to meet different needs, and it has been used since centuries ago when man discovered fire. 

Firewood is still used to bring heat and warmth to every home. However, due to the popularity of other energy sources like electricity, it is not sold in every store; but does Lowes sell firewood?

In this article, I will answer this question and discuss other essential facts about Firewood and Lowes.

Does Lowes Sell Firewood?

Yes, Lowe’s sell different types of Firewood that can suit your budget. If you want to purchase Firewood, you can shop at any Lowes store near you.

Lowes has over 7000 stores across America and an online store at Amazon and other online platforms. You can always visit any of their stores in the United States to buy good firewoods.

Types of Firewood Sold at Lowes

Now you know that Lowes sells Firewood, I will give you a summary of the types of Firewood available at Lowes and their various prices.

See Also: Can I Buy Firewood At Kroger?

1. Timber Tote firewood 

At Lowe’s, you will get different types of Firewood, and Timber tote firewood is one of the numerous quality firewood available.

Timber tote firewood is available at the discounted price of $8.25 

You can use Timber tote firewood for Cooking, discarding wastes, burn-fire night, etc. 

2. Green Mountain Firewood

Green mountain firewood is invariably one of the best quality firewood at several retail stores across the United States of America.

Green mountain firewood is sold at a discounted price of $10 at Lowes.

It has no binders or chemicals and burns hotter and cleaner. Green mountain firewood is the best brand of Firewood for those who are after top quality.

3. Eco Forest firewood 

Eco-forest firewood is one type of Firewood that’s highly effective when you want to discard waste.

This type of Firewood is helpful for a variety of additional purposes. At Lowe’sLowe’s, the wood is sold pre-split, which implies that it is divided mechanically before being sold to customers.

Lowes sells it at a discounted price of $9.98

4. Minuteman International Firewood 

Minuteman International firewood is also usually restocked because of the high demand.

They are easy to start fires and are chemical-free.

Your options for receiving your Minuteman international firewood include a printed burlap bag or a refill box.

Prices at Lowes range from $27.98 to $76.98

5. Pinion wood 

Pinion Firewood has a pleasant pine aroma and is suitable for outdoor fires. The aromatic scent of the wood gives a calming outdoor feel. Additionally, the wood burns clean and is simple to Light.

When burned, pinion wood act as a mosquito repellant. Some people will burn their wood outside to ward off insects.

At Lowes, Pinion firewood is listed as’1-cuas’1-cu ft Firewood”. It is specially cut for fire pits, fireplaces, and chimneys and priced at $14.28.

See Also: Does Publix Sell Firewood?

Lowe’s Worth in Summary 

Aside from selling Firewood, it’s important to note that Lowe’sLowe’s is a company that also provides home improvement products.

As of September 2022, Lowes reported $990 million compared to its net earnings of $709 million in 2020, and total sales were around $30.3 billion compared to $16 billion in 2020. 

What’s the Difference Between Lowes and Home Depot?

As the world’s biggest and second-largest home improvement stores, Home Depot (HD) and Lowe’s have many commonalities.

Both are huge box retailers that appeal to both DIY-ers and DIFM-ers.

Home Depot and Lowes have looked more towards home renovation, but Lowe’sLowe’s seems more consumer-oriented and has brighter displays. 

Behind the scenes, Home Depot has a more decentralized supply-chain approach.

Uses of Firewood

There are several uses of Firewood that predates centuries ago. Let’s look into some of these uses in no particular order;

1. For Cooking 

Although cooking with Firewood is stressful to some people, it’s fun to others.

Firewood is used for Cooking, and from my observation, cooking with Firewood gives the food a top-notch taste. 

I shared my observation with an older woman who agrees that food cooked with Firewood is the sweetest. 

She said cooking with Firewood makes the meal more delicious because the fire produced by Firewood penetrates the pot more.

Whether you agree to her submission or not, it’s essential to note that Firewood is one of the oldest cooking mediums.

2. As Light

Aside from using Firewood to prepare delicious food, Firewood is a Light source.

Firewood is invariably one of the oldest sources of Light. If you are a lover of camping in open spaces, you should also be familiar with the magnificent prowess of Firewood.

4. As a Heater 

During winter, the house tends to be so cold many families, most especially in the West, use Firewood to generate heat indoors.

Those camping fans will also agree that aside from using Firewood as Light, they use it to withstand cold.

5. Burn Fire Night 

During some celebration periods, Firewood is used to light up the celebration. Some colleges have a tradition for students to dance around burn fires. 

6. To Discard Waste

Firewood is also used to discard waste. The fire produced from lighted Firewood burns so deep; this helps in melting waste products.

See Also: Does CVS Sell Firewood?

Why You Should Shop With Lowes

Lowes centered on building and hardware tools like; fasteners, construction materials, and lots more.

This includes tools for outdoor jobs, like growing fresh grass, landscaping an area with mulch, or constructing a new patio or walkway, to help you figure out how much grass seed, mulch, or pavers you need for the job.

Lowe’s can assist you in furnishing various areas of your house with trendy and comfy things.

They try to make any home improvement job simple, with numerous divisions designed to help you locate precisely what you’re searching for.

They’re also a section for special events gifts. You can locate the appropriate Mother’s Day presents in-store or online, as well as decor and gifts for other festivals and holidays indicated on your calendar. 

At Lowe’s, they recognize that sometimes making more significant purchases takes some financial aid, so they offer a Lowe’s Credit Card to make such expenditures reachable.

Finally, Lowes sells different Firewood types that can fit your budget and are of good quality too.